Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for offering to Volunteer with YAPS.

Volunteers agree to adhere to YAPS policies and procedures and follow the instruction from YAPS management and staff at all times. YAPS adheres to Government regulations for workplace behaviours and practices, including the Workplace Health and Safety Act, and Discrimination Act and does not tolerate bullying and harassment. In addition, YAPS Management has imposed a number of additional restrictions for personnel working within the organisation;

The minimum age to commence volunteering at YAPS is 18 years of age.

Safety assessments will be made by a Staff Member. or the Volunteer Coordinator as required to assess ongoing suitability and capability to volunteer

Children and/or minors are not permitted to accompany any Volunteer whilst they are undertaking voluntary work of any kind at the Shelter.

Volunteer Application Form

Personal Details

(Name and Relationship)

Health Assessment

Have you had a Tetanus Vaccination in the last 10 years? *
(if no, you must have one before starting as a Volunteer)
Do you currently have any Pets? *
If YES, are they currently vaccinated? *

Experience & Preferences

Volunteer preferences (tick all that apply) *
Are there any professional skills that you can offer YAPS if needed?
Have you volunteered or worked with any animal welfare agency before? *
I declare that the information I have given is true and accurate. If I am accepted as a volunteer at YAPS, I agree that I will abide by all the shelter Policies and Procedures, and I understand that I will carry out my duties assigned and follow the instructions of YAPS staff at all times. I acknowledge & understand that as a volunteer I am not an employee or contractor of YAPS and I am not entitled to be paid for the work I carry out. I provide my services voluntarily and without cost to YAPS. I understand that I can withdraw my services at any time, and that YAPS can cancel my participation as a volunteer at any time. As a representative of YAPS, I agree not to negatively represent YAPS or its position or campaigns. I also agree to adhere to the YAPS confidentiality policies. *

The Young Animal Protection Society Inc complies with the National Privacy Principles, therefore your personal information will not be used for any marketing purposes or disclosed to other parties without your consent.